(Not)Just a group of friends.

Businesses that set up teams, teams that set up businesses and friends who, being a team, set up businesses.

That's who we are at thebrandsLab.

With a professional past in common in (arguably) the best sports brand in the world, and united by our love and passion for cycling, skiing, and the outdoors in general. Ans as important doing it all in style, with soul, respect and a thorough sense of gratitude and responsibility. We are not about an end goal. We are about enjoying the journey and leaving a legacy. We decided to set up an agency that would add value to distribution through premium/high-end brands with a service that combines sales and marketing or marketing and sales either ways.

We do not believe in a long-term relationship if it is not taking care of both aspects at the same time.

We are in a luxury position to be able to see our work beyond an excel sheet, our mission being to represent brands that understand sport as we do, through experiences, fun, performing, socializing, looking for adventurers, small or large and above all, making each day count as one more day doing what we are passionate about,take care of what we like the most; our lifestyle, and now, our professional and personal project.